When it’s comes to review your electronics project you have to go through many small and big things, here we are going to list out what I’ll review in my project. Here I’m divide into to items
- Schematic review points
- Layout review points
Schematic common review points
Check all the sheets Headings
In the Title block section check the Author name, Date, Project Name, Page number
Check component orientation and it’s name and designator
Verify all Port names correctly assigned or not
Check the readability of schematic
Schematic Technical review points
Verify component size and it’s price
Unconnected pin and recommendation
Check the Application notes
Check the power source and it’s connector and polarity
Check the PCB/Product naming
Title block and date & time
check the debug/programming connector pin-outs and ref schema
check the programmer pin-out
Recommended De coupling Caps
Check DNIs
Check the controller main clock and it’s load capacitors are correct
MCU current consumption all power domain.
Do the power budgeting of all major components and verify the regulator can handle that much current
Check the ambient temperature of the circuit were we are using according to that select the components
Do Power dissipation and Junction temperature of main components and verify it’s not violating the component operating temperature
Check the VDD/VCC with datasheet
MCU code size
Interface Speed
current consumption of each block in the MCU
Do the Power dissipation and find the junction temperatures of the regulator
Critical supply check the accuracy
Layout review points
Check the de couping cap placement and vias
Check the board stackup
check the pre-defined width of traces
If it is controlled impedance board check the trace width and the distance between each traces
check the dedicated ground plane is breaking or not
Avoid Loops in the power traces
check the signal rate/frequency and according to plan the layout